
How to Setup Ignition with Warewulf on Rocky Linux 8.x


As specified in the Warewulf Disk Management documentation, packages for ignition are not available for the Rocky Linux 8.x series. They are available for the Rocky Linux 9.x series as part of the Appstream repository.


When you try to install gdisk or ignition on a Rocky Linux 8.x system, you will find it is not possible, due to the packages being unavailable in the repositories:

[root@Rocky-Linux-8-10-Test-Machine ~]# dnf install ignition
Last metadata expiration check: 0:04:50 ago on Fri 27 Dec 2024 05:46:44 AM UTC.
No match for argument: ignition
Error: Unable to find a match: ignition



You will require access to the root account or a user with escalated privileges.

Build Ignition from source

When creating your container, add the following lines to your configuration:

&& (cd /tmp && git clone \
&& (cd /tmp/ignition && make all && make install) \

Example container creation with Warewulf and ignition on Rocky Linux 8.10

Current disk structure of the nodes:

[root@Rocky-Linux-8-10-Warewulf-Controller-Node ~]# lsblk
sr0     11:0    1  1024M  0 rom  
vda    253:0    0   180G  0 disk 
├─vda1 253:1    0   260M  0 part /boot/efi
└─vda2 253:2    0 179.8G  0 part /

The Warewulf Rocky Linux 8.10 container was used for testing:

wwctl container import docker:// rockylinux-8 --build

The following commands were all ran from the Controller Node:

Created a 1GB boot partition for the Compute Node with ext4 and wiped the filesystem at boot:

wwctl node set --diskname /dev/vda --diskwipe --partname boot --partsize=1024 --partnumber 1 --partcreate --fsname boot --fsformat ext4 --fspath /boot --fswipe

Assigned the rest of the disk space to the root filesystem, formatted with btrfs, and wiped the disk at boot for the Compute Node:

wwctl node set --diskname /dev/vda --partname root --partnumber 2 --partcreate --fsname root --fsformat btrfs --fspath / --fswipe

Output of how the Compute Node was configured:

[root@Rocky-Linux-8-10-Warewulf-Controller-Node ~]# wwctl node list -a warewulf-compute-node-1
  NODE                           FIELD                                                    PROFILE  VALUE                                                  
  warewulf-compute-node-1  Id                                                       --       warewulf-compute-node-1                          
  warewulf-compute-node-1  Comment                                                  default  This profile is automatically included for each node   
  warewulf-compute-node-1  ContainerName                                            default  rockylinux-8                                           
  warewulf-compute-node-1  Ipxe                                                     --       (default)                                              
  warewulf-compute-node-1  RuntimeOverlay                                           --       (generic)                                              
  warewulf-compute-node-1  SystemOverlay                                            --       (wwinit)                                               
  warewulf-compute-node-1  Root                                                     --       (initramfs)                                            
  warewulf-compute-node-1  Discoverable                                             --       false                                                  
  warewulf-compute-node-1  Init                                                     --       (/sbin/init)                                           
  warewulf-compute-node-1  Kernel.Args                                              --       (quiet crashkernel=no vga=791 net.naming-scheme=v238)  
  warewulf-compute-node-1  Profiles                                                 --       default                                                
  warewulf-compute-node-1  PrimaryNetDev                                            --       (default)                                              
  warewulf-compute-node-1  NetDevs[default].Type                                    --       (ethernet)                                             
  warewulf-compute-node-1  NetDevs[default].OnBoot                                  --       (true)                                                 
  warewulf-compute-node-1  NetDevs[default].Hwaddr                                  --       5a:00:05:3a:6f:5a                                      
  warewulf-compute-node-1  NetDevs[default].Ipaddr                                  --                                             
  warewulf-compute-node-1  NetDevs[default].Netmask                                 default                                          
  warewulf-compute-node-1  NetDevs[default].Gateway                                 default                                             
  warewulf-compute-node-1  NetDevs[default].Primary                                 --       (true)                                                 
  warewulf-compute-node-1  Disks[/dev/vda].WipeTable                                --       true                                                   
  warewulf-compute-node-1  Disks[/dev/vda].Partitions[boot].Number                  --       1                                                      
  warewulf-compute-node-1  Disks[/dev/vda].Partitions[boot].SizeMiB                 --       1024                                                   
  warewulf-compute-node-1  Disks[/dev/vda].Partitions[boot].ShouldExist             --       true                                                   
  warewulf-compute-node-1  Disks[/dev/vda].Partitions[root].Number                  --       3                                                      
  warewulf-compute-node-1  Disks[/dev/vda].Partitions[root].ShouldExist             --       true                                                   
  warewulf-compute-node-1  FileSystems[/dev/disk/by-partlabel/boot].Format          --       ext4                                                   
  warewulf-compute-node-1  FileSystems[/dev/disk/by-partlabel/boot].Path            --       /boot                                                  
  warewulf-compute-node-1  FileSystems[/dev/disk/by-partlabel/boot].WipeFileSystem  --       true                                                   
  warewulf-compute-node-1  FileSystems[/dev/disk/by-partlabel/root].Format          --       btrfs                                                  
  warewulf-compute-node-1  FileSystems[/dev/disk/by-partlabel/root].Path            --       /                                                      
  warewulf-compute-node-1  FileSystems[/dev/disk/by-partlabel/root].WipeFileSystem  --       true

Ran exec to access the Rocky Linux 8.10 container:

wwctl container exec rockylinux-8 /bin/bash

Set up the environment, then cloned and built the Ignition Partition Management Module from inside the container:

dnf groupinstall -y "Development Tools"
dnf install -y gdisk git libblkid-devel make 
rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.23.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
  • Added the following to the end of the ~/.profile file:
cat << "EOF" | tee ~/.profile
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
  • Added ~/.profile to $PATH:
source ~/.profile
  • Installed ignition:
cd /tmp && git clone
cd /tmp/ignition && make all && make install

Ran exit to then leave and rebuild the container.

Deployed the container to the Compute Node by restarting the node.


The above method is not officially supported by CIQ and is considered a workaround until the gdisk and ignition packages are available in the Rocky Linux 8.x repositories.

References & related articles

Ignition Filesystem Documentation:

Warewulf Disk Management: